Shunta Jordan made and Dave Weston seconded the following motion, which passed 8-0 by a rapid action vote on 2/26/2018.
"I make a motion that we offer breakfast and lunches for $29 and figure out a way to pay for it that is not camp funding."
In addition, Christina Tallungan made and Dave Weston seconded the following motion, which passed 7-0 on 2/24/2018.
Motion 1:
"The 2018 budget for the NDCA Conference cannot exceed $3000. This budget includes 4 - $250 stipends to cover travel expenses for out-of-town presenters who are not getting assistance from their schools, the cost of the conference session rooms, and the cost of food for a single event during the weekend. Allocation of the travel stipends are subject to Board Approval."
Motion 2:
"The NDCA Conference Coordinator may solicit for sponsorships for the conference."