2024–2025 Novice Packet & Curriculum
We’re excited to announce the 2024–2025 NDCA Novice Packet!
The NDCA is proud to present our novice policy evidence packet and curriculum for the 2024-2025 season. It includes the following positions:
AI Copyright Affirmative
AI Copyright Negative
PERA Affirmative
PERA Negative
SHOP SAFE Affirmative
SHOP SAFE Negative
AI Industry DA
Court Clog DA
Inflation DA
Topicality "Domestic" vs. SHOP SAFE
Topicality "Strengthen" vs. PERA
Capitalism Kritik
Here is the Google Drive link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JsI3F8-pVwHQclfovjfzvcooomuR5rcj?usp=sharing
Here is the Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/pbcyk36dwwpwpb9jlw55s/ADfKypLl-hiKL0LDf8vJO3E?rlkey=wpvkod9a9fl398a2u7obex0ah&dl=0
Many thanks to David Heidt, Will Katz, and Brett Bricker for creating a high quality product and to Shree Awsare for coordinating the materials.
This year’s packet contains a comprehensive set of arguments on the topic, along with a brand-new curricular component, to better aid your classroom planning and instruction of novice policy debaters. It is available for download via Dropbox: 2024-2025 NDCA Novice Packet Curriculum
Explainer Videos for Every Core File
"Check for Understanding" handouts that accompany each explainer video.
A "Check for Understanding" handout that accompanies the Demo Debate.
Lesson Plans for Speech Setups/Mini-Debates
AI Copyright 2AC
AI Industry DA 2NC/1NR
Court Clog DA 2NC/1NR
Inflation DA 2NC/1NR
Topicality "Domestic" vs. SHOP SAFE 2NC/1NR
Topicality "Strengthen" vs. PERA 2NC/1NR
Capitalism Kritik 2NC/1NR
Audio Recordings of each 1AC, 1NC shells and frontlines, and 2AC blocks for use in the Mini-Debates or other activities
As always, we strongly encourage that tournaments offer a packet-specific novice division whenever possible, which enhances educational value. If you have any questions about the packet, or hosting a novice-packet division at your tournament, feel free to contact me at bmanuel@edgemont.org.