The following motion was proposed by AT and seconded by Shunta. On March 12th, it passed 6-0.
"I move that based on a previous vote on expenditures we keep the session on Coaching Student Mindset, and take 48 hours to suggest programs that we think support the mission of the conference (perhaps we should agree on what that is). We should solicit direct community input based on those who might attend (as opposed to just rely on a survey). Once we have suggestions we can all individually rank them and have a relatively final list. To make this clearer, keep the program we have agreed to spend money on and others are off the table for a bit to get the perspective of ALL Board members and the community (especially those considering attending). The 48 hour time period to suggest, and then 24 hours to rank might allow that input. By Thursday we have a list that works it seems."
The following amendment/clarification by Christina:
"I propose only the Board rank the panels for time sake at this point.
I propose that we should remove the Mindset session from the ranking and presume it is already in the schedule.
I propose the Board take the top 8 ranked panels (or more if we can split room or find other space) and staff them with Greg as coordinator. Any panels that are not chosen may still be addressed through other means, e.g., a video and activities that are posted on the NDCA website. The top sessions will be determined by all Board members rankings (1 being the most important and the last number being the least important) and, after adding scores together, the lowest numerical scores will be given priority as session slots."
If the vote passes, we will commence the 48 hour period for gathering information and then conduct the poll on the potential conference sessions.