Our first podcast

Adam Torson and I got together to go down the list of potential LD resolutions for the coming season. This is the list in the order we covered them:

  • Adolescents ought to have the right to make autonomous medical choices.
  • Historic preservation is a legitimate constraint on property rights.
  • Inaction in the face of injustice makes individuals morally culpable.
  • Just governments ought to ensure food security for their citizens.
  • Just governments ought to require that employers pay a living wage.
  • Justice requires reparations to Black Americans.
  • Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States should be subject to term limits.
  • Sin taxes are just.
  • The "right to be forgotten" from Internet searches ought to be a civil right.
  • United States foreign policy ought to value women's rights over the pursuit of its economic interests when the two conflict.

Here's the link to the show. Comments are encouraged; please add them to this post.

Looking for podcast participants

For a long time—75 or so episodes—I did a podcast called “The View from Tab” with Chris Palmer, Mike Bietz and Jon Cruz, plus various guest luminaries. We’d pull together whoever was around on a given week and discuss resolutions, tabbing, tournaments and the like in a fairly informal way, and then publish the conversation online. As far as I know, the show is still available on iTunes. It’s certainly accessible from the show website.

As part of my work on the board with NDCA, I’ve been planning to do something very much along those same lines, but this time including the NDCA membership. I’ve been doing some research on making it a live broadcast, where people could listen as it happens and chime in, but that seems to be above my technical pay grade. And while it can at least theoretically be done as a video recording, most people don’t have the equipment to make that work in an acceptable way. Which means keeping it as an audio-only podcast.

I would like now to solicit some panelists. The first conversation(s) I would like to have, hopefully next week, is on the new choices for the LD resolutions.

The technical buy-in to participate is minimal. First, you need a fairly decent combination headphone/microphone (mine cost $30 and can also be used on my phone). You need a computer (as compared to Skyping in on, say, an iPad). You need a Skype account. And you need to have a working copy of Audacity (a free recording program you can download from the internet). So aside from a decent mic, you don’t need to invest in anything special. And Skype is a no-brainer, leaving just Audacity, which isn’t terribly hard to work. We record our individual ends of the conversation for mixing later, which leads to the best possible sound quality, which is where Audacity comes in. Just recording the Skype conversation doesn’t necessarily result in listenable shows.

If you’re interested in doing this with me, email me at jim.menick@gmail.com. I’m hoping this is just the beginning, and that over time we can cover a lot of different topics with a lot of different people.



Newly Passed Proposals by the NDCA Board

The NDCA passed the following proposals on July 13, 2014.  The vote count for each is listed next to the proposal description.

Proposal -- Change in Voting (5-0 Vote Count, 2 abstaining)

I move that the bylaws be amended to say:

The organization has the following categories of membership:

1) Individual Annual Membership: Annual memberships last from August 15 - August 15  

2) Institutional Membership: Institutional memberships last indefinitely  

3) Lifetime Membership: Lifetime memberships last indefinitely            


Starting in the fall of 2014:  

1) All new members wishing to vote must be affiliated with a high school  

2) Each election and referendum will only recognize 3 votes per high school  

3) In the event that there have been more than 3 votes cast by a school, the program director will be contacted to decide which 3 votes should count  

4) Lifetime or Institutional memberships that were purchased prior to the 2014-2015 season will be allowed to vote even if they are not affiliated with a high school     

Dues paid prior to the National Championship Tournament will count for that season.  Dues paid after the National Championship will count towards the following school year.


Proposal -- Clipping Addendum (7-0 Vote Count)

I move that we amend our "Clipping Best Practices Document" by adding:

Tournament hosts should be aware of applicable state laws involving the recording of minors. Best practice is for tournaments to require¶ debate entries to complete a parental authorization form allowing¶ audio recordings.

NDCA National Championships tournament procedures¶ Appendix D is an example of a suitable form.¶ the above paragraph should be added to the document right after this sentence:¶ "Tournament hosting schools are also encouraged to use the NDCA¶ Suggested Guidelines For Card Clipping Accusations in their invitation¶ materials and judge information packets."

Some interesting statistics on MJP in LD

First of all, a disclaimer. The opinions expressed here are mine and mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect the official opinions or policies of the NDCA.


Second, it is important to keep in mind that everything I’m saying here derives from LD. Policy pools are differently composed and differently managed from LD pools, and PF, of course, gets random judges.


What I wanted to do in this post, instead of talking about mutual preferences in a theoretical vacuum, was to look at exactly how mutual preferences have been working at tournaments. So I did some number crunching. Among the tournaments I tabbed last year with MJP, using first TRPC and then tabroom.com (which does a much better job with automated mutuality), are Yale, Bronx, Princeton and Columbia. These 4 tournaments add up to 2928 prelim rounds of Varsity LD. All were similarly divvied up into 6 tiers, 18% each of the first 5 and 8% strikes (plus varying numbers of conflicts). They were all large to very large fields, with judge pools hovering around 50% of the size of the field. I think that these numbers are large enough, and stable enough, for decent analysis.


Of the 2928 rounds:

2538 were paired 1-1. That is, 87%.

132 were 2-2. 5%.


This means that 93% (rounded) were either 1-1 or 2-2.


4% were 3-3. This means that 95% (taking into account the rounding) were 1-1, 2-2 or 3-3.


2% were 4-4; 1% were 5-5; 2% were 1-offs (usually 1-2, maybe lower); 1% were 2-offs (or worse).


Important note: Easily half of the “bad” pairings (3-3 or worse) are the result of teams’ being out of competition. As a rule, we would work toward insuring that anyone down two or fewer got better prefs. The most egregious pairings are desperation ballot pushes, for which no system can be held accountable.


Minor note: Making it 6 equal tiers (more strikes) would have little statistical impact.


Another minor note: There are always some folks who don’t rank, but the impact of more ranking being done is relatively small according to the quick comparisons I evaluated on the side. And lately not preffing is more and more a rarity.


And here’s the bottom line: going by strict mutuality and 6 traditionally divided tiers, MJP in LD delivers better than 93% 1s and 2s in all in-competition rounds.


There is a lot of controversy over mutuality per se, or at least there is a lot of variation on how MJP is handled from tournament to tournament. (There is even a difference of opinion whether to call it MJP or MPJ!) I have been arguing in favor of strict constructionism, on the assumption that equal desirability is the fairest way to adjudicate a round. The counter argument, preferring the wrong side of non-mutual pairings of 1-2 over 3-3 or less, values the ability of the given judge to adjudicate over that judge’s favorability, saying that in a high stakes round a judge who might be more favorable to your opponent than you is nevertheless preferable to what you perceive of as a less qualified judge. In other words, an assumption is made that anyone you’ve ranked a 3 or less is simply not that qualified as a judge. (There are plenty of other reasons to rank a judge in your bottom half, but given their infrequency in the analysis above, they’re mostly beside the point.)


Those who know me know I’ve gotten my knickers in quite a twist over this 1-2 v. 3-3 argument. The evidence above demonstrates that I was silly to do so. At least in the LD world I’ve been inhabiting, it really isn’t an issue. In a world where there are 8-10 judges in each tier, i.e., 8-10 1s, 8-10 2s, etc., which is the usual world I’ve been tabbing for as many years as I’ve been using MJP, we can see that about 95% of all rounds are mutual 3-3s or better. 93% of all rounds are mutual 2-2s or better. 87% are 1-1s. When we get into the smaller numbers, we lose some of the qualitative value, but it’s no leap to assert that at least 90% of all rounds are 1-1 or 2-2.


My strict construction of mutual seems pretty silly in the face of the small numbers where it matters. More to the point, it really does matter to the teams who are that small number. A 3-3 may not be the most desirable assignment, obviously, but at some point one might have to debate in front of someone less than one’s most desirable judges. But 4s and 5s (assuming our tiers of 8-10) may not serve anyone’s interest. They are the judges those occasional teams who get them have decidedly agreed they don’t want; why should my bullheadedness keep those debaters from improving their lot, if it can be done?


I concede.


However, the question arises, what to concede to. I’ve talked this over a little bit, and want to do more before coming down with a solution. The problem is, despite all our attempts otherwise, we still might get 4-4s or worse for in-contention teams going by strict mutuality. What do we do? We can give them the bad side of a 1-2, which some might see as the best solution. But as I’ve been told, if you’re on the wrong side of that, there might be quite a bit of distance in how you’ve preffed that judge (your #1 vs my #20, for example), and no matter how you slice it, you’re debating in front of one of their 1s. A suggested solution here is to, first, look for a 2-3. Being on the wrong side of a 2-3 is much less damaging, this argument goes, than being on the wrong side of a 1-2. In this case, you’re only debating in front of one of their 2s, who will presumably be less disposed to voting for their style than their 1s would be.


Interesting question, I think. I’m looking forward to hearing people’s opinions.


Newly Passed Proposals by the NDCA Board

The following proposals were passed by the NDCA Board on July 4th, 2014.  The vote counts are noted next to each proposal.

Proposal - Award Clarification (6-0 Vote, with 3 no votes)

I move that the bylaws be amended to reflect the following: ANNUAL AWARDS The David P. Baker Award: Awarded to the top Baker points earning policy debate team that is competing at the National Championship Tournament. Dukes and Bailey Cup: Awarded to the to top Dukes and Bailey points earning Lincoln-Douglas debater who is competing at the National Championship Tournament. Educator of the Year: The goal of this award is to recognize someone who has made outstanding educational contributions to the debate community. In order to be nominated, an individual must be a member of the NDCA. Any member may submit a nomination. A nomination must be for a current active coach. A statement in support of the nominee is encouraged with the nomination. All nominees fitting the above criteria will be placed on a ballot. All voting members will be given one vote. Tournament Host of the Year: The goal of this award is to recognize tournaments that most closely adhere to NDCA best tournament practices, as outlined in the NDCA tournament procedures. In order to be nominated, the tournament host must be a member of the NDCA. Any member may submit a nomination. A statement in support of the nomination is encouraged. All nominees fitting the above criteria will be placed on a ballot. All voting members will be given one vote. Rising Star Award: The goal of this award is to recognize outstanding coaches in their first five years of high school coaching. In order to be nominated, an individual must be a member of the NDCA. Any member may submit a nomination. A nomination must be an active coach in their first five years of coaching. A statement in support of the nominee is encouraged with the nomination. All nominees fitting the above criteria will be placed on a ballot. All voting members will be given one vote. Service and Leadership Award: The goal of this award is to recognize outstanding contributions to the debate community, especially contributions on behalf of the NDCA. To be nominated, the person must be a member of the NDCA. The Board will nominate and select the final award winner.

Proposal - Board Member Removal (5-1 Vote, with 3 No Votes)

I move that the following be added to the Bylaws: BOARD AND OFFICER REMOVAL PROCEDURES In the event of gross misconduct or dereliction of duty, Board members can be removed from the Board if at least 7 Board members vote for the removal of the member. Appointed officers serve at the will of the Board and can be removed by a majority vote of the Board at any time.

Proposal - Formalizing Existing Procedures (6-0 Vote, with 3 No Votes)

I move that the bylaws be amended to reflect the following: NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNAMENT PROCEDURES The National Debate Coaches Association will maintain a set of tournament procedures for each event offered at the National Tournament. Those procedures will be made publicly available on the tournament invitation and the organization’s website. These procedures can only be changed by a majority vote of the board. OFFICIAL AGENT OF THE NATIONAL DEBATE COACHES ASSOCIATION St. Mark’s School of Texas is listed as the official address of the National Debate Coaches Association. The Chief Financial Officer and Chairperson will be listed as the official agents on tax documents. NATIONAL FEDERATION OF HIGH SCHOOLS TOPIC MEETING The NDCA should ensure that at least one member attends the annual NFHS topic meeting to represent the NDCA. If the chosen representative is unable to obtain funding the NDCA will reimburse partial or total travel costs for the representative as decided by a vote of the Board. The NDCA Board will ask the delegate to caucus with other NDCA members in attendance in order to cast the NDCA vote, if possible.BOARD ELECTION PROCEDURES Board members serve three-year terms. The election timeline is as follows: September 01 - The Board will encourage election candidacy statements to be submitted. September 15 - The ballot for the election will be sent to members. October 01 - Deadline for ballots to be cast. Election results will be announced as soon as possible. Each voting member will receive a number of votes that corresponds to the number of seats open in the election cycle. For example if there are 3 seats on the board open in the election each voter can vote for up to 3 candidates. The member may not submit more than one vote for a particular candidate. A member does not have to use all of their votes but may only cast one vote per candidate.

Newly Passed Proposals by the NDCA Board

The following policies were passed on June 27, 2014 by the NDCA Board.  The vote counts are indicated above each passed proposal.


Proposal - Tie Breaking Procedures (Passed by a 5-3 Vote, with 1 abstaining)

I move that all of the NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Amend the “pairing of debates” section by deleting material after “to determine teams clearing” and adding: Wins High/low points Total points Opposition Wins Double high/low points Ranks (for policy debate only) Judge Variance Random number

Proposal - By-Law Amendments (Passed by a 7-2 Vote)

I move that the bylaws be amended to say: OBLIGATIONS OF THE BOARD All Board members: ● Should act as ambassadors for the organization; this should include encouraging new people or institutions to become members, seeking input from the membership to communicate to the Board and promoting the tournament ● Should recognize that they are volunteering to serve the organization and are encouraged to pursue projects that further the mission of the organization, including periodically updating the Board on the status of those projects ● Are expected to attend the National Championship tournament, even if their school is not attending ● Must be current members of the NDCA ● Should participate in all votes, even if voting to abstain ● Stay current with Board discussions ● Should be aware that their personal views can be conflated with the views of the organization and/or the entire Board and should be sensitive to that issue in their public communication ● Regularly check the NDCA Board Google Calendar ● Unless there are extraordinary circumstances, Board members should plan to serve out their full three year term


Proposal - 1-6 MPJ Categories(Passed by a 5-2 Vote, with 2 abstaining)

I move that the policy and LD NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Amend the “judge assignment” section to reflect that we use a six category system and replace letters with numbers to reflect what tabroom.com and Joy of Tournaments actually use for creating MPJ sheets with the following minimum categories 1s (20%), 2s (20%), 3s (15%), 4s (15%), 5s (15%), and a maximum of 15% strikes.


Newly Passed Proposals by the NDCA Board

The following proposals were passed unanimously(9-0) by the NDCA Board on June 25, 2014.

#1 - Proposal - Cornucopia of non-controversial items

I move that all of the NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Amend the “Tournament Committee” section by adding this sentence: Individuals may serve on more than one of the tournament committees. Amend the “Pairing of Debates” section: Delete all current wording and replace it with: To the extent possible the tabroom should equalize competition in preset debates and power match high/low within brackets starting with round 3. Add to the “Tournament Qualification” section Any entry denied admission to the National Debate Coaches Association National Championships by the tournament director may appeal to the NDCA Board for admission to the tournament if they tried to enter the tournament prior to March 15th. Any entries admitted to the tournament after March 15th will be solely at the discretion of the tournament director. Any student registered for the tournament after March 15th will not be allowed to appeal the decision of the tournament director. (this will be added to the tournament procedures for all events) Amend the “Amendments” section: These procedures may be amended by a simple majority vote of the board consistent with voting procedures as specified in the bylaws. Amend the “Rounds of Competition” sections by adding this paragraph: Any student who forfeits a round of competition will be ineligible for a speaker award. For seeding purposes students who forfeit debates will have their points averaged. Amend the “Speaker Awards” sections by adding: Any student who forfeits a round of competition will be ineligible for a speaker award. All references to the National Forensic League will be replaced with National Speech and Debate Association. Any mention of round 7 should be removed. Proposed wording: I move that the Public Forum and Lincoln Douglas NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Delete any reference to ranks as part of tiebreaking formula’s or teams qualifying for elimination rounds. Proposed wording: I move that the Public Forum NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Amend the “Rounds of Competition” section: All rounds, including elimination rounds, will be flip for sides and positions. If teams in elimination rounds have met previously in prelims, they will still flip for sides and positions. and from the “Elimination Round procedures” section delete this sentence If sides are locked and the late arriving debater is designated affirmative the negative debater may request a delay of up to fifteen minutes to ensure both debaters have adequate preparation time.

Proposal - Definition of "School" - Public Forum

I move that the NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Remove these sentences under Tournament Qualification in the public forum debate tournament procedures: Public forum debate competition is considered a team activity. A team is comprised of two individuals from the same degree granting institution. and replace it with: Public forum debate competition is considered a team activity. Both students on a participating team must attend the same school, represent that school and be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities for that school. Even if the school district allows some students to compete with other schools within the district the NDCA National Championships will not allow those entries. If the tournament director determines that a given entry does not represent a school that entry(ies) may only file an appeal to the board if they registered for the tournament prior to March 15th. Coaches acknowledge that by entering the tournament that their teams are in compliance with the tournament rules. It is the obligation of the coach to file an appeal prior to March 15th if there is a situation that stretches the limits of one of the rules, such as the definition of the word “school”.

Proposal - Definition of "School" - Lincoln Douglas

I move that the NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Under Tournament Qualification in the Lincoln-Douglas debate tournament procedures add: Students must represent a school and be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities for that school. If the tournament director determines that a given entry does not represent a school that entry may only file an appeal to the board if they registered for the tournament prior to March 15th. Coaches acknowledge that by entering the tournament that their students are in compliance with the tournament rules. It is the obligation of the coach to file an appeal prior to March 15th if there is a situation that stretches the limits of one of the rules, such as the definition of the word “school”.


Newly Passed Proposals by the NDCA Board

The following proposals were passed unanimously(9-0) by the NDCA Board on June 26, 2014.

Proposal - Definition of "School" - Policy

I move that the NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Remove these sentences under Tournament Qualification in the policy debate tournament procedures: Policy debate competition is considered a team activity. A team is comprised of two individuals from the same degree granting institution. and replace it with: Policy debate competition is considered a team activity. Both students on a participating team must attend the same school, represent that school and be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities for that school Even if the school district allows some students to compete with other schools within the district the NDCA will not allow those entries. If the tournament director determines that a given entry does not represent a school that entry(ies) may only file an appeal to the board if they registered for the tournament prior to March 15th. Coaches acknowledge that by entering the tournament that their teams are in compliance with the tournament rules. It is the obligation of the coach to file an appeal prior to March 15th if there is a situation that stretches the limits of one of the rules, such as the definition of the word “school”. Also, I move that the NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Remove these sentences under Tournament Qualification in the policy debate tournament procedures: Policy debate competition is considered a team activity. A team is comprised of two individuals from the same degree granting institution, and replace it with: Policy debate competition is considered a team activity. Both students on a participating team must attend the same school, represent that school and be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities for that school. Even if the school district allows some students to compete with other schools within the district the NDCA will not allow those entries. If the tournament director determines that a given entry does not represent a school that entry(ies) may only file an appeal to the board if they registered for the tournament prior to March 15th. Coaches acknowledge that by entering the tournament that their teams are in compliance with the tournament rules. It is the obligation of the coach to file an appeal prior to March 15th if there is a situation that stretches the limits of one of the rules, such as the definition of the word “school”.

Proposal - Financial Assistance for Tournament

I move that all of the NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Add a section entitled “Financial Assistance” worded as follows: Any student who finishes in the top 100 of the Dukes and Bailey or Baker rankings may submit an application to have their entry fees waived (Appendix E). This would not be a waiver of drop or judge fees.

Proposal - Card Clipping Amendment

Proposed wording: I move that all of the NDCA National Championships tournament procedures be amended as follows: Add to the “Clipping” section: Tournament participants will be required to submit a parental permission form (Appendix D) allowing students to be audio taped to ensure that clipping is not occurring. Participants who are recorded may require that the recording be deleted after the judge has rendered a decision and clipping was not raised as an issue.

Newly Passed Proposals by the NDCA Board

The following proposals were passed unanimously (9-0) by the NDCA board on June 9th, 2014.


Proposals from 6/7/2014


Proposal - Expedited Voting Procedure

 I move that the by-laws be amended to reflect: Once a normal motion has been put forth by a Board member and seconded by another Board member, there will be a 48 hour discussion period. Once 48 hours has elapsed, a voting period of 24 hours will begin. Votes sent in prior to the conclusion of the 48 hour discussion period will not be valid. The Secretary will be responsible for tracking the various time frames and tallying the final votes.


Proposal - Expedited Voting Procedure 2.0

On occasion, the Board needs to vote more quickly than in a 72 hour time frame and might need a vote AND discussion to conclude within 24 hours. These instances should be relatively rare but here are two possible examples: 1) The week before the tournament, someone important (like Tim) gets sick and needs to be replaced ASAP.2) There is a deadline for renewing something important (perhaps paying a last minute bill that is unusual) and the Financial Officer needs quick permission to do so.


Proposal - Publishing Votes

I move that the bylaws be amended to say: Board votes should be publicly posted on the web page in a timely manner. The text of the motion and the final vote tally will be included.


Proposal - Membership Dates

 I move that the bylaws be amended to say: Membership runs from August 15 – August 15. Payments received prior to the NDCA Championship in April will be applied to the existing season and afterwards will count to the upcoming season.

    The New NDCA blog

    This is the first post on the new NDCA blog. One of the reasons we moved to a new host was to get the blog from dominating the content of the site. But having a blog, and various other modes of communication, remains important, if not paramount. The goal of the NDCA is...

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